Civil Society Organization Bees
; ; Sacred Land of the Martyrs of Acteal
Acteal, Chenalho, Chiapas, Mexico
; ; ; January 22, 2011
All the Social and Political Organizations
All Human Rights Advocates
A national and international press
A Society Civil
To the Other Campaign and
A Public Opinion
Brothers and Sisters
Before talk about what we now see our hearts and thinking, we want health and wellness of heart to all men and women in combat, builders of peace and justice.
has the Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the Maya, when the twins survived and Ixbalanqué Hunahpu and exceeded the traps and tortures that were laid by the Lords of Xibalba during the Ball Game, Hunahpu thought it was quiet, that the danger was over when he was born at dawn, when poked his head out of his blowgun, then one of the Lords of Xibalba, master of death Hunahpu short head. So we are about the birth of this new year of 2011. Our grandfathers and grandmothers told us that he was entering a new year that our hearts will also be renewed and the things and community life.
But that was before, now we're like twins of the Popol Vuh when poked her head into the new year, what we see looks like a vision of Xibalba, a hellish nightmare, executions, violence, impunity, death.
We denounce today as we have done that injustice and impunity are the weapons to kill the memory and promote more deaths and massacres such as the Acteal. Will not cease our claims and denials against the massive release of the paramilitaries responsible for the slaughter of Acteal. Because every time we see the paramilitaries in Acteal walk quietly released in the area of \u200b\u200bChenalho, as if they had not committed any crime, reminds us how we lost our homes and belongings before slaughter and all our hearts and minds remember how fired our brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, husbands and wives on December 22, 1997 in Acteal. We recall that in confrontations with the paramilitaries were doing many of them released, told us: "Some day I will leave here and there we will make do when I return ...." Now they are here, you never know when they will meet threats. That happened before the slaughter of Acteal, our organization Bees denounced all the violence, burning of houses, the threats, the pressure we did the paramilitaries to join the ruling party the PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional), were several complaints and the government and administrators of justice did not do justice. Its position was logical, how could abort a plan that they had designed for a target?
Other news of violence of which we hear in the newspapers at the beginning of this 2011 are:
That have murdered a more activist Susana Chavez Human Rights in Ciudad Juárez and reappoint Marisela Escobedo's murder and other partners that only women raise their voice for justice and a while and found dead.
Another disturbing case we also want to mention and solidarity is with the Father Alejandro Solalinde for their outstanding work in defending human rights of migrants Ixtepec City, Oaxaca. We want to address directly with the Federal authorities and Oaxaca, anything to happen to the physical integrity of our brother Solalinde, their shelter and migrants, will not say they did not know, automatically You will be responsible.
many voices, many claims, how many protests of Mexican society have not heard the rulers, yet there has been a humane policy of the Mexican government.
These governments do not know how to govern, so the consciousness of the Mexican people are called, the "bad government." They will continue killing. We know that this is the fury, the lethal poison of neoliberalism. Bad governments this year are looking for ways to stop our struggle, the truth bothers them, they are afraid to justice, no peace know. Such is the nature Lords of Xibalba, the masters of Hell, which can only live, murdering them, repressing and jailing.
Brothers and sisters, yet we will keep fighting against injustice and impunity. The masterminds of the slaughter of Acteal can not live free their consciences. The rulers in turn, are already part of state crime that was committed in Acteal, not only for failure to continue to allow impunity to the masterminds, but the new release abetting the paramilitaries. And for this crime of state have come to make a lot more for the violence in our country. Partners and sisters, a new cycle has begun, the struggle continues. We invited everyone to walk hand in hand with one heart.
From the Holy Land Acteal Martyrs we salute our brother and Jtotik Samuel Ruiz Garcia, Bishop of the poor and indigenous peoples. We want to express my heart that the seed planted here in Chiapas is already a large tree or shrub produces much fruit. We the Bees are one of those fruits of the great tree planted by our Tatik. Wherever you are, encouragement and congratulations Samuel Jtotik a year to meet your episcopal ordination and to serve the People of God.
Voice of Civil Society Organization "Bees."
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