Thursday, January 27, 2011

Slime In Newborn Baby

Minutes: Joanna Newsom -' Peach, Plum, Pear" (2004)

I think that a composer chooses arrangements for a song are never free. Yes imagine that may arise coincidence, chance, but the decision to keep must be something beyond just aesthetic. The sound and bring yarn into a song so many symbols and meanings as words. To

'Peach, Plum, Pear' think Joanna Newsom looking for something different from the beginning. The song made its first appearance in the ep that self-releases in 2002, Walnut Whales, in a version for voice and keyboard Wurlitzer already made her a small anomaly between the calm beauty of the rest. Perhaps the nature of the subject upset upset and asked for something aggressive or the piano or the harp could make even a slight distortion of the Wurlitzer, so to re-record his debut for Drag City The Milk-Eyed Mender (2004) he found what he needed: speeded up the tempo and used the harpsichord, a metallic sound tipsy divided into small strokes better illustrating the inner turmoil of history.

The best example of his enormous talent as a poet might be found in the extension of the tales of Ys (2006), fertile in imagery and stitched with words that conjure something very physical and tangent, but from the beginning Newsom has been very insightful person using the terms quite clever and eye, not so cryptic as it may seem at first glance.

precisely what is so special 'Peach, Plum, Pear' is narrating the situation is easily recognizable to everyone: a chance encounter, a person who is attracted to and would never have dared to unexpectedly speaks address, demonstrates an interest in it completely hits you, he flattered but confused about everything ( "I am a sensitive heavy / you even look it up / and I am amazed / (...) which was gold has turned gray / and suddenly I'm shy" , the gold represents the descent turning gray pedestal unattainable object of desire, having it now before it.) Is the song of The Milk-Eyed Mender where spider voice (those who rejoice in your cat bell the first time they have here a vein), and that is not casual as it symbolizes a little the crushed and the embarrassment of the situation. Joanna still missed, it seems to take the attention you give that someone the longer wanted ( "We dominated, when I used to dominate it to me / Galopábamos manic to the mouth of the source" ) but not relieved of that feeling insecure not understand why suddenly the merits ( "It was sad and I was wrong / (...) Am I so much to you does he run so strange? "). Have ended up getting what they craved in such circumstances leave disappointed, and the state loses all the magic and tingling when it was accomplished: "Now it's done / see how it goes" .

`Peach, Plum, Pear ' appeared in the ep Walnut Whales Joanna autoeditado 2002; and album The Milk-Eyed Mender , published in March 2004


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