Civil Society Organization Bees
; Sacred Land of the Martyrs of Acteal
; ; Acteal, Chenalho, Chiapas, Mexico.
December 22, 2010
All the Social and Political Organizations
All Human Rights Advocates
A National and International press
To the Other Campaign
A National Civil Society and International
Brothers and Sisters
Today marks 13 years of Acteal Slaughter, death of our brothers, sisters and brothers for a counterinsurgency operation, for a state crime. For 13 years we have constantly denounced the perpetrators and masterminds of the Slaughter and the impunity that continues for them. Month after month, 13 times 12 months, 156 months we have raised our voice for justice. We have said we do not want revenge, forgiveness in our hearts. Then we ask, 'Why continue to be reported, if they say they forgive?. Answer we do not want to repeat another Acteal, we give up the revenge but we can not renounce either truth or justice.
Today at 13 years of the Slaughter of Acteal, Mexico seems like everything has fallen into the hands of the Lords of Xibalba who impose their rules of fear and darkness. If we look at our country and they are involved in a terrible violence, found bloodied. Thirty thousand killed by murderous violence so far of the Administration of Calderon, according to its own employees. The massacres happen every day. Reactions no longer raise national and international reporting as happened after the December 22, 1997. In the 97 years the government said the Slaughter of Acteal was the result of intercommunal conflict. Today he says that the daily massacres are the result of his war on crime organized.
The Lords of Xibalba impose fear but also impose the dark. They do not want to see what actually happens. But we, like the twins and Ixbalanque Jujnapu know how to light a torch for us not blinded by the darkness of the underworld. Our light is the wisdom of our grandfathers and grandmothers and the Word of God.
In the Bible we read the story of King David, when a man tried to kill David because he stole his wife. How does the king to kill the man without anyone noticing that the King is guilty? Makes a war and sent to die in it. Everyone will believe that died in the war and did not realize that the king had him killed.
In that light we discover what is happening in Mexico today. The government says people died in that war. But in the midst of so many thousands of bodies we discovered the bodies of those men and women whom the government wants to get rid, human rights defenders, journalists, independent journalists, leaders. The last case was Maricela Escobedo murdered in front of the government palace in Chihuahua, watched useless their video cameras and the door closed to Maricela, and bad government closes its doors to those seeking justice.
This is how we understand the harassment and threats that have been happening in Chiapas in recent weeks;
Contra Margarita Martinez and Adolfo Guzmán Martínez Ordaz Liaison, Communication and Training, AC Comitán
Against Human Rights Center, FRAYBA, which has supported us in denouncing the Slaughter of Acteal and has supported many independent organizations in Chiapas.
While Hector Bautista, independent communicator.
Julio César Pérez Ruiz Contra Committee member and former political prisoner Innocent Voices
Against Jose Alejandro Meza member of the Network Medical and Mental Health Care for Survivors of Torture, network promoted by Frayba.
As we saw in the meeting Weaving and Autonomy Resistance against Counterinsurgency and Unit recently held in this Holy Land of Acteal, the government resorts to counterinsurgency and repression they know only dividing and weakening our organizations can impose their megaprojects.
The government - the Lords of Xibalba, wanted to destroy the bees first with lead bullets and then, as they say the brothers of the northern zone, with bullets sweet, big promises and delivery support pantry, chicks, sheets, to divide and distract us from our central demand is justice.
When bad government believes it has weakened, opening the prison doors paramilitaries and their accomplices is putting their mega projects in Chenalhó.
paramilitaries go free with gifts and awards. Mexican justice has already taken a decision vacated automatically without any obstacle to those who have done evil against our brothers and sisters. Do not know what could happen to witnesses and survivors of Acteal, because the paramilitaries returned and know where they buried their weapons. Our grandfathers and grandmothers say that a murderer and he is evil in your head and you can kill again after a while. And a few days in the community of La Esperanza a fellow Bees when the time was working in his field, he suddenly heard gun shots. In this community back to life several of the paramilitaries who were released last year and this year.
The megaproject that evil government tried to get into Chenalhó was to rural towns. Civil Society Bees were the first to denounce the project, after we followed the Parish of San Pedro Chenalho. Thanks to these allegations Pedranos of all parties rebelled against the bill that would impose the evil government, until they did the same PRI. Meanwhile the state government, municipal and agents became entangled in their own contradictions. First they said that project had not Chenalhó. After the mayor had agreed that the project itself as the state government was in denial. Finally, the municipal police officers sent a letter late last month to Juan Sabines Guerrero, where the governor requested "the complete cancellation of this proposal (rural town) ... since this is broken with our customs ... with our traditions "and also" this does not combat poverty or marginalization. " Even mention the sites that were designated: Tzabalhó and Saclum. But along with that criticize the pastor of the Catholic Church for bad information. " We thought if there was no project, why ask for your cancellation? And if the information was bad pastor Why Why repeat their arguments? And if not for the denunciation of the pastor and ours, would never have dared to protest. But they also see the fear that agents given that the government will take other support that gives for telling the truth and are quick to ask that the budget was already set for rural towns "to be transferred to improving rural housing " [1] .
With this story of rural towns, we see that despite government attempts to weaken or even destroy the bees, we have emerged stronger and our voice is taken into account up to other organizations (although not recognize) The bad government of their desire and objective is to want to see us finish and disorganized, but as our heart and memory tells us that never stop fighting, not for justice, peace, or anything. Stop fighting is to betray the blood of our 45 brothers and sisters in Acteal, stop fighting is to deceive ourselves. Others want us to lose hope and stop fighting. But we do not lose hope because we know that our struggle, as the work of planting corn, sooner or later will pay off. An announcement of the fruits, but not the whole fruit is still, admission Acteal case by the IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights). Contrary made by the justices of the Supreme Court of the rich and criminals in Mexico, the Commission's preliminary report confirms the value and proof of the testimony of relatives of victims and survivors of the Slaughter of Acteal.
Then Acteal to 13 years, 13 times 12 we have been fighting and winning battles against the lords of Xibalba, the lords of hell. If we exist today, thanks to the advice and wisdom of our Gods and Ixbalanque Junajpu, we have given an example of courage and dignity and have guided us to come today, one year to life. 13 times 12, is our gratitude to you for being physically or spiritually at this commemoration. Comrades, let us walk together, nobody is left behind.
Brothers and sisters are invited to open their eyes and do not be fooled by this war that is making the people!
No to impunity for the slaughter of Acteal!
Punishment for the perpetrators and masterminds of the slaughter of Acteal!
Cease harassment against human rights defenders!
Punishment judges leaving the murderers free to continue killing, both the judges released the murderers of Maricela in Chihuahua as ministers that paramilitaries released the murderers of Acteal!
Voice of Civil Society Bees.
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[1] Charter of the Municipal Rural Agents C. Mr. Juan Sabines Guerrero, Chiapas State Governor, dated November 27, 2010. Bees have a copy of that letter stamped "Received" by the General Secretariat of Government on December 2, 2010.
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