Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mario Salieri Full Streaming

Press February 22 2 000 11

Civil Society Organization
Sacred Land of the Martyrs of Acteal
Acteal, Chenalho, Chiapas, Mexico

February 22, 2011

All the Social and Political Organizations
All Defenders of Human Rights Press
A National and International Civil Society
To the Other Campaign and Public Opinion

Brothers and Sisters

Members of Civil Society Bees us are gathered in the Holy Land Acteal to undertake a journey of two days of fasting and prayer for peace. This will naturally remind us of our brothers and sisters massacred here on December 22, 1997 while doing the same thing we are doing now: fast and pray for peace. But this time we are united not only by the memory of our martyrs of Acteal, also join in solidarity with brothers and sisters who have been killed recently in other parts of our country and especially our hearts to unite those who in days Recent studies have begun fasting for peace and justice, we say we hear your call and invite others to follow along our hearts. We join those who refuse to forget the killing of 16 youth in Salvarcar, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, a year ago, who demanded not to leave unpunished murders of many men and women human rights defenders. With this action and non-violent peaceful that we are doing we also sympathize with the Campaign for the Defense of Life, which began on Feb. 7 with a hunger strike by Salazar Reyes family, with Citizen Plural Front the purpose of requiring the immediate presentation of Mary Magdalene alive Reyes Salazar, Elias Reyes Salazar and his wife Luisa Ornelas Soto. Together with them we demand the clarification of the murder of human rights activist Josefina Reyes Salazar, Ruben Reyes Salazar, Julio Cesar Reyes Reyes. This courageous family has seen it all downloaded from the terror of violence that public security organs of state observed nothing and did nothing to stop it ... just as they did in Acteal on 22 December 1997.

With all these brothers and sisters we are united in grief, we share the blood and the curse of impunity. But we also joined the fight and not give up, we share the hope and faith we have that nonviolence is more powerful than violence.

Some may think that what is happening today in Chihuahua and throughout Mexico is very different from what happened in Acteal and Chiapas ago more than 10 years. Before it was a counterinsurgency war, is said against "offenders" are now being told that it is a war against organized crime. Well, now tells us that there is war, though there are more deaths than in countries where there is war itself. But we no longer believe in what we are told, but what we see and what we see is that:

1. The same to solve the problem of Chiapas that to solve the problem of organized crime seems the government has no idea that recourse to arms. In fact, the powerful, politicians and rulers, they can only resort to violence to protect his ambition, his plan of plunder and theft from the heritage of our nation.

2. The government now says the army is to defend the people ... The same is said in the IDP camps in Chenalhó when militarized our town after the slaughter of Acteal to impose its counterinsurgency.

3. What makes growing violence is impunity. Thus we have seen in Chiapas and so is being in Chihuahua and in many other places where the government takes to the streets to the army, supposedly to ensure the law.

4. In all cases, in Chiapas, Chihuahua and the rest of the country, the people are suffering and that puts the dead, not rulers. We have just seen how Felipe Calderon came to Chiapas to promote tourism and to visit the tomb of Samuel Jtotik (maybe he thought he was a tourist attraction) escorted by many soldiers that people thought he had broken a new war in Chiapas.

seems that the counterinsurgency war against the struggle of indigenous peoples in Chiapas, is over but it is not. Such is the breakdown and violence in our country through corrupt and criminal government that is no longer so much talk about what is happening here. The government is very crafty, his strategy is to see that as nothing happens. But we reiterate and reaffirm that the war in Chiapas continues. The insurgency continues with its two faces in the background are the same: the bread and stick. The stick, or outright repression, we see against our fellow brothers and sisters and San Sebastian Mitzitón Bachajón defending their land, Land and Natural Resources, are harassed by paramilitaries protected by the bad government of Juan Sabines Guerrero.

Bread crumbs or government programs to buy consciences, we see with our own brothers Chenalhó which sadly have been misled by the government and no longer used for evil to run its government policy to divide independent organizations and to mislead the public. In the first half of February at least two times were published in newspapers in Chiapas (which have no ethics and publish only what the government tells them) news that say "Bees" met with the authorities to receive their support, once with the Sanitary District of San Cristobal and the other with the mayor of Chenalho.

organized civil society in fighting is to inform you that in the year 2008 a group of our comrades were separated from our Organization Bees, to search for the "development" as he is known to support the government. But as I reported at the right time, that this group is no longer with the Bees and said that at no time can now speak on behalf of the Organization of Bees. But this division is part of the counterinsurgency war and what is bad government seeks to silence the voice of justice and trample upon the slaughter of Acteal

For you to clearly understand how far the cynicism and lies government and to what our brothers be manipulated, we will cite the words of Mr. Martin Cruz Aguilar Chenalhó PRI president who declared

"Our governor has been the clear example of good government that works for all without distinction of social class, political or religious belief ... reuniting the various sectors and political groups for some time deviated from the constitutional life, The Bees ... "(Journal of Chiapas, La Voz South East, 14/02/1911).

mean that bees always refused to take up arms, which were stripped of their belongings, displaced and massacred, and that after it refused to revenge and always sought justice through legal channels, were according to the president of Chenalho, "outside the constitutional order." In contrast, the PRI, the party of Mr Martin Cruz who armed, trained and paramilitaries is protected with the governor (who says he is the PRD but in the time it was the slaughter of Acteal was the PRI), the defender of the "constitutional order" and the benefactor, and reuniting of our municipality. No wonder the word of God says: do not be like those who govern the nations: first exploit them as the owners of all and then still call themselves benefactors!

But why do not we put our trust not in arms, nor rulers, nor in its support. But we, our strength is the truth, our weapons are wisdom and fasting and prayer. Our strength is in our roots: the Mayan traditions and the word of God.

why us have decided to act to stop the inferno, and the twins Hunahpu and the Popol Vuh Ixbalanque when they saw so much injustice and impunity that existed at the death of his parents murdered by the lords of Xibalba decided to go down to the underworld to the ball game against the Masters of Hell. Despite many tests, traps and treachery towards the twins were able, thanks to his wisdom and humility, ending with the lords of Xibalba, and so gave birth to justice.

And our fast start read these words of the Gospel: "This kind of hell does not go more than a power of fasting and prayer" (Mark 9, 29). And this kind of demons believe that refers to the demons of violence, impunity, lies and injustice that now run rampant in Mexico, leaving everywhere pain and despair.

These demons can be defeated, as the word of God, by fasting and prayer. But we also know enough not to pray, you have to take action. Today we tell the world that we and us the Civil Society Organization "Bees," Yes! We enter into action to put an end to this hell. Why do understand what pain. We must continue to awaken consciences, overcoming fears, building networks. We must speak out, demand and pressure the government.

Our peaceful action and non-violent is to ask Father-Mother God give us wisdom and that it moves us all Mexicans. If today we end our day of fasting and prayer for our brothers and sisters in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, not just today as we have said, this will continue in each of our member communities of the Bees, as if death does not rest , does not sleep, nor must rest who are for life.

From the Holy Land that has been watered with the blood of our brothers we raise our voice with the following messages:

1. All Mexicans are not quiet and they are fighting violence wants to drown in blood and in silence, we say that solidarity is looming in the north to the south of our country, that the peace initiatives although they seem small now are like the seed that will grow to bear fruit.

2. We send a special greeting to the brave Reyes Salazar family, we say they are not alone, hundreds of bees have fasted two days with you in Acteal or in their own communities who could not come, they say that just as the slaughter and terror have not silenced the voice of the Bees, the voice of Joseph and his family will not be silent, is heard to the mountains of Chiapas and their cry for justice rises to the sky.

3. As part of our action against war and for life, we join the demand and requirement of freedom of the 10 co-Bachajon including a minor and a mentally disabled teammate arrested last February 2 to defend their right to land, territories and natural resources.

4. A bad government of Felipe Calderón and Juan Sabines, we say that even put their trust in their cars War and its support and counterinsurgency programs, without the real support of the people are nothing. The truth and justice shine in the long run and all its violence and lies will be exposed.

PUNISHMENT Mitziton paramilitaries!

Voice of Civil Society Organization "Bees"

For the Board:

Mariano Pérez Vázquez José Ramón Vázquez
Entzin Patience Perez Victorio
Macario Arias Gomez
Mariano Pérez Sántiz


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