Civil Society Organization Bees
; ; Acteal, Chenalho, Chiapas, Mexico.
November 22, 2010
All the Social and Political Organizations
All Human Rights Advocates
A National and International press
To the Other Campaign
A National Civil Society and International
Brothers and Sisters
They our grandfathers and grandmothers that the Lords of the Underworld thought had defeated and killed the twins and Ixbalanque Hunajpu, when least expected, the twins returned with another face and appearance, but with the same goal of struggle, which is to end the injustice that had sown the Lords of Xibalba. The spirit and energy of those twin gods, the stand today at dawn, at dusk and in the evening through of nature, then join us in our dreams, we wake and when we open our eyes, we realize that our dream is a dream.
We the members of the Civil Society Organization Bees and witnesses and survivors of the slaughter of Acteal, our hearts and thoughts are welcome admission d Acteal Case (Report 146/10 - Manuel Santiz Culebra and other 'Slaughter of Acteal `) , that ruled during the 140 º Regular Session of the Inter Human Rights (IACHR), almost six years have filed the petition. With this decision means that the Commission had encountered to admit that the Mexican State violated rights under the American Convention on Human Rights, derived from the events of December 22, 1997 in the IDP camp Acteal, municipality of Chenalho, Chiapas.
Despite the bad Mexican government denied that the slaughter of Acteal is a state crime, you can not keep their lies against the force of truth and conscience of the people. Will hike in search and build a worthy and true justice for the 45 plus 4 unborn brothers and our sisters and brothers. Political and economic strategy of misrule to wear down the Bees and the process of Acteal case, you can not operate in an organized as ours. And thank you for the fight against impunity is not only ours, but, together with the unconditional solidarity and struggles of other peoples of Mexico and the world that does not go unpunished Acteal and especially to the intellectual authors receive a punishment for their crimes against humanity, and avoid repeating other Acteal in Mexico and the world.
Then hope that the Commission after thorough consideration of the elements we have made together with the Human Rights Center Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas, may finally rule on the case Acteal, which is a state crime, a crime against humanity. Mexico and the world knows that the slaughter of Acteal was the result of a counterinsurgency war designed by the Mexican government against organized peoples of Chiapas.
One of the most important elements of justice is: NO MEMORY and oblivion. Since our brothers and sisters went out the beating of his heart by the murderous bullets of the paramilitaries, but not his ideals; us and we did start their quest for peace and justice that called for in their day of prayer and fasting when they were attacked cowardly.
Brothers and sisters of the people of Mexico, every day, every night, remember that a people without memory, is a living ghost town. Today we must remember that in 1910, many indigenous people and above all we had fought for "Land and Freedom ', but sadly decades later, Carlos Salinas de Gortari betrayed the struggle led by our brother Emiliano Zapata, the reform of Article 27 Constitutional order to give our land to multinationals across the North American Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, United States and Canada. Today successive successors Salinas de Gortari are hired to continue selling and looting of our country.
puppet governments in turn, supposedly celebrating the bicentenary of the 'Independence' of Mexico and the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution, when our lands, territories and natural resources are being threatened by mining, dams , highways, rural towns, etc. These projects are fun and death for our communities and people. If you want to celebrate the 'Independence' and the Mexican Revolution is, rejecting any mega project tax our territory by the multinationals. Our grandfathers and grandmothers have taught us that an authority which is not consistent with his word, is a disgrace to his people. In the case of politicians who claim to be rulers, are a disgrace to our country, which is called Mexico, because with all its show of festivities and celebrations (in which they have spent a fortune, which already We are now paying increased fuel and other basic needs) is to deceive and distract the people of Mexico.
Brothers and sisters, our struggle is not final, our struggle is a continuous cycle, our struggle is like the sun is born and dies and is reborn again, to illuminate minds and hearts of men and women caretakers of Mother Earth and guardians of historical memory as the 45 people plus 4 not yet born. It is then that this coming December 22, we invite you to remember and celebrate with us in the 13th anniversary of the slaughter of Acteal, so that together and together we continue to paint the truth and do not forget our word and awareness.
Punishment for the perpetrators and masterminds of the slaughter of Acteal!
NO mines, dams and rural towns!
YES to LIFE and self-determination of indigenous peoples of Mexico!
Voice of Civil Society Bees.
For the Board:
Joseph A. Pérez Jiménez | Lasaro |
Agustín Gómez Pérez | Francisco López Sántiz |
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