Saturday, July 4, 2009

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Now, the nuclear power Garoña is on everyone's lips, with the closure for the 2013, so this morning I woke up early (a little before M ª Angeles and Jose ) I've been to Orbañanos with intent to climb the mountain Umión (1,434 m.), with fresh from there photographing the nuclear and the environment: Tobalina Valley.

When I arrived I decided not to upload, because the fog was involved in the whole string of summits and wrong is not up, but found after the fall, so I've been out for a walk around to give time if it cleared a bit, but nothing. So the four photos are at the foot of nuclear.

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Village that names the nuclear

From Santa Maria de Garona, a town which gives its name to the plant, the nuclear is almost touching hand.

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View of the central from out of town

The road continues for a beautiful natural environment and one of the curves stop the car to take another photo.

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The Ebro river bathes the central transit through

Continuous progress with the intention of stopping at the bridge that leads to the central door to take another picture of the door , but what is my surprise that there are four cars in the civil guard guarding the bridge, which crosses I did not stop and ask if he could take a picture, so I followed, stopping a little later to get the latest am.

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Front of nuclear

now appears that a majority of those living in the Valley, do not do well to close Garoña, since the plant has been giving a lot of money the municipalities and are now clear removed from the cow that gives milk, but they thought they have not invested anything in any industry?. It is always good to diversify and not live just on account of a facility that we know that has a longer life and ends Garoña.

This topic will give us many "moments of glory" in the blog from here on out.


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