Sunday, August 3, 2008

How Many Women Wear Girdles

The objectives of the Association are: To promote and encourage

between member companies, teamwork aimed at common good, everything related to studies, researches and exchanges of experiences and innovations in health care, production techniques, organization of work on farms, parks, fertilization, etc.
Develop a breeding plan together to achieve the production of queen mothers of excellent qualities, by sectors of isolation, instrumental insemination, etc. Protect
beekeeping and to encourage their development in general. Overcoming
constant quality of living material produced, showing how gained through competitions, exhibitions, talks, fairs, media events, etc..
sign agreements that favor the incorporation of technology and technological innovations, as likewise the emerging product development Universities, SAGPYA, INTA, or other agencies through agreements.
Assist partners in the continual introduction of technological and organizational elements, which tend to constant product improvement.
promote and support research and development of beekeeping topics specific application to the production of living material, such as the genetic characterization of honey bees in Mendoza, identification of external agents and diseases that affect activity in the area, development of disease control plans, etc.
increase business development in Argentina., MERCOSUR and the world, through advertising, promotion and marketing by promoting the production of domestic and export markets for its members.
promote the implementation of protocols, standards, and / or recommendations to foster the improvement of living material.
have representation in instances of debate by government agencies at national, provincial and municipal levels.
Cooperating with research institutes and teaching beekeeping.
Partner and sign agreements with other organizations and / or beekeeping associations, either with other queen breeders associations, or any other organization related to beekeeping in general that the Executive Committee deems appropriate and strategic for the development of this specialty.
Facilitate and develop the mechanics of live bee shipments of material to arrive at optimal conditions for the different locations.
further organize trips within Argentina and abroad, to know other realities or exchanges.


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