Friday, December 22, 2006
Pain In My Ovaries During The Ovulation
These are the thematic and strategic areas in which they can present research projects at the invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture:
POSTHARVEST HANDLING AND TRANSFORMATION: Characterization, standardization and evaluation of properties (nutritional, therapeutic, cosmetic, etc) Apiculture products
BREEDING: Search and establishment of genetic material in different production regions, according to the production orientation.
INTEGRATED CROP: a) Identification, characterization, breeding and management of native species. b) Establishment of plant relationships - bee-oriented evaluation of the offer floral and pollination. c) Validation of the regional management systems in accordance with the obtained products (jelly, royal, propolis, pollen). Remember
must be submitted as an alliance (Research Group - Chain Organization - Entity), the call will be open on January 21 and closes on 6 March and is up to the next four years.
is important to know what their expectations and ideas. Send e-chain (cadena.abejas @ and the tentative project name and the names of groups and organizations that participate in the alliance as soon as possible in order to support coordination and broad participation in this chain.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Is Crapping Normal When Pregnant
Dear Friends, @ s @ s
We are approaching the end of this year and there are still some activities that should be done to finalize the consolidation of the chain of Bees and Beekeeping in Colombia. During Beekeepers Meeting had the opportunity Neiva to interact with other people and organizations that had approached the process, so that and most known players in the chain of activities are being pursued, and only need to engage those who have not done so far.
From the links (links) to this page (blue and green bar, bottom right) can find information on the concepts of production chains in Colombia policy, process files and CPAA FOLDING can download a summary of the information and can print and share with others.
Download FOLDING! Some
important activities that are underway include:
currently requires the support of all groups in the chain to achieve shaping an information system that allows us to build clear statistics to support decision making. We have made available to all a ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION FORM ORGANIZATIONS , which must be completed and submitted before December 15, 2006. This form is in Excel format and can be downloaded to your computer, filled out directly in the file, and emailed to cadena.abejas @ and consider organizing all groups that are part of the chain or that relate to her, associations, cooperatives, companies, NGOs, institutions and public or private entities, research groups, transporters, input suppliers or services, etc ... The idea is to get a form for each organization (not per person), avoiding double registrations.
With the data provided by you will have a useful information for further understanding the functioning of the chain nationally and regionally, and to support the task of building strategic plans that the Regional Committees of the chain are ahead.
information on prices, production, demand and product movement in the country and within regions is key to competitive strategy to draw the chain. This strategy will be raised in the Competitiveness Agreement, which will be discussed from a draft that will introduce early next year. The information collected in the registration help supplement national diagnostic data and other sources.
By registering, you will also have a map of the main groups that make up the chain and will participate in the first round of discussion of the Competitiveness Agreement.
Download Application Form!
so far have established Regional Committees of the CPAA in Cauca, Sucre, Boyacá and soon we hope to coordinate with other groups that have led this initiative, the formation of nuclei Coffee (15 November), Ontario (November 21), Magdalena (December 4) and Santander (15 December). The idea is that over the next year leading groups missing regions begin to coordinate activities to articulate the different groups related to bees and beekeeping.
These committees will support the development and consolidation of the chain coordinating their efforts to achieve a concerted and planned development of beekeeping in each region, representing the National Council of Chain, once it is set up.
Chain Beekeeping Bees and won an important strategic area for its future: to participate in the call that the Ministry of Agriculture opened for the development of research projects. This call is for the next 4 years and have the opportunity to access the resources of funds in bankruptcy, presenting projects that meet the demands that were set by many of you during the workshops Research Agendas, which developed in some departments in 2005 and 2006.
invite you to contact the universities and research groups in their region and communicate promptly with the Technical Secretariat and we coordinated proposals that respond to major problems of our range. To do this we are planning a meeting on Dec. 7, in which we will define the programs and projects that will be presented.
In this call is an essential requirement to establish partnerships between research groups and organizations of the links in the chain, so the coordination of efforts is essential to win approval projects.
As you can see, we still have a year-end busy. Bees and beekeeping are going through an important juncture in the country and there are many development opportunities for those who are part of it. But to take advantage of these circumstances it is necessary that we manage to establish a strong, cohesive as a swarm, which has the ability to respond in a coordinated manner to new challenges before us.
The signing of competitiveness will allow us to establish our "road map" forward, and will allow us to be considered in different instances. Achieving this agreement is our main challenge at the beginning of 2007 and to concretely achieve need to work efficiently coordinated. The only obstacle will be that we set ourselves.
Dear Friends, @ s @ s
We are approaching the end of this year and there are still some activities that should be done to finalize the consolidation of the chain of Bees and Beekeeping in Colombia. During Beekeepers Meeting had the opportunity Neiva to interact with other people and organizations that had approached the process, so that and most known players in the chain of activities are being pursued, and only need to engage those who have not done so far.
From the links (links) to this page (blue and green bar, bottom right) can find information on the concepts of production chains in Colombia policy, process files and CPAA FOLDING can download a summary of the information and can print and share with others.
Download FOLDING! Some
important activities that are underway include:
currently requires the support of all groups in the chain to achieve shaping an information system that allows us to build clear statistics to support decision making. We have made available to all a ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION FORM ORGANIZATIONS , which must be completed and submitted before December 15, 2006. This form is in Excel format and can be downloaded to your computer, filled out directly in the file, and emailed to cadena.abejas @ and consider organizing all groups that are part of the chain or that relate to her, associations, cooperatives, companies, NGOs, institutions and public or private entities, research groups, transporters, input suppliers or services, etc ... The idea is to get a form for each organization (not per person), avoiding double registrations.
With the data provided by you will have a useful information for further understanding the functioning of the chain nationally and regionally, and to support the task of building strategic plans that the Regional Committees of the chain are ahead.
information on prices, production, demand and product movement in the country and within regions is key to competitive strategy to draw the chain. This strategy will be raised in the Competitiveness Agreement, which will be discussed from a draft that will introduce early next year. The information collected in the registration help supplement national diagnostic data and other sources.
By registering, you will also have a map of the main groups that make up the chain and will participate in the first round of discussion of the Competitiveness Agreement.
Download Application Form!
so far have established Regional Committees of the CPAA in Cauca, Sucre, Boyacá and soon we hope to coordinate with other groups that have led this initiative, the formation of nuclei Coffee (15 November), Ontario (November 21), Magdalena (December 4) and Santander (15 December). The idea is that over the next year leading groups missing regions begin to coordinate activities to articulate the different groups related to bees and beekeeping.
These committees will support the development and consolidation of the chain coordinating their efforts to achieve a concerted and planned development of beekeeping in each region, representing the National Council of Chain, once it is set up.
Chain Beekeeping Bees and won an important strategic area for its future: to participate in the call that the Ministry of Agriculture opened for the development of research projects. This call is for the next 4 years and have the opportunity to access the resources of funds in bankruptcy, presenting projects that meet the demands that were set by many of you during the workshops Research Agendas, which developed in some departments in 2005 and 2006.
invite you to contact the universities and research groups in their region and communicate promptly with the Technical Secretariat and we coordinated proposals that respond to major problems of our range. To do this we are planning a meeting on Dec. 7, in which we will define the programs and projects that will be presented.
In this call is an essential requirement to establish partnerships between research groups and organizations of the links in the chain, so the coordination of efforts is essential to win approval projects.
As you can see, we still have a year-end busy. Bees and beekeeping are going through an important juncture in the country and there are many development opportunities for those who are part of it. But to take advantage of these circumstances it is necessary that we manage to establish a strong, cohesive as a swarm, which has the ability to respond in a coordinated manner to new challenges before us.
The signing of competitiveness will allow us to establish our "road map" forward, and will allow us to be considered in different instances. Achieving this agreement is our main challenge at the beginning of 2007 and to concretely achieve need to work efficiently coordinated. The only obstacle will be that we set ourselves.
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Lakme Price 2010 In India
Thursday, July 6, 2006
Adjust Marzocchi Junior T
Opportunities: Calls - Tenders - Projects News bees
published in this space open calls for information on public and private entities that can become opportunities for improving the competitiveness of the chain.
is important that begin to see the importance of undertaking joint projects, strategic alliances between different actors in all stages: Production, Marketing, Manufacturing / industrial, and institutional support services.
invite you to share this information by sending an email to cadena.abejas @, with the following information: Name of the call
- Entities conveners - Target - Goals - Dates and Deadlines - Requirements - Contact - ... and other relevant information.
We welcome your input and participation.
Friday, June 9, 2006
Ibm 8215 Sound Drivers
Through this space we want to socialize different world news related to beekeeping and bees in general.
As with events, can post news directly to those who have access, or send chain mail links to files or web pages where you find the news.
hope it is useful to keep abreast of what is happening in the country and the world and find the best way to exploit this knowledge to become more competitive.
Solaris Woden Clock Plans
apiculture activities and events
Appreciate @ s @ s friend
We have opened the space so they can post information about activities related to bees and beekeeping are made locally, regional, national or international. This kind of activities they can socialize courses, workshops, meetings and any event of interest to members of the Chain.
Remember that the information should at least publish the following information:
There are two ways to publish your activities:
1. As text, through the feedback option in this specific entry. They must click on the link "# comments" at the bottom of this post; this leads to another page where they can write information and comments in the box beneath the text "Do your comment." Remember where you are asked to "Choose an identity" must check "other" and write their name (no need for web page).
2. Sending a file (Word, PDF, image, etc.) With the complete information of chain mail (cadena.abejas @, specifying that they want the information published. In this case, the file will be uploaded for us at the storage site for those interested Chain it to download.
Appreciate @ s @ s friend
We have opened the space so they can post information about activities related to bees and beekeeping are made locally, regional, national or international. This kind of activities they can socialize courses, workshops, meetings and any event of interest to members of the Chain.
Remember that the information should at least publish the following information:
There are two ways to publish your activities:
1. As text, through the feedback option in this specific entry. They must click on the link "# comments" at the bottom of this post; this leads to another page where they can write information and comments in the box beneath the text "Do your comment." Remember where you are asked to "Choose an identity" must check "other" and write their name (no need for web page).
2. Sending a file (Word, PDF, image, etc.) With the complete information of chain mail (cadena.abejas @, specifying that they want the information published. In this case, the file will be uploaded for us at the storage site for those interested Chain it to download.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Clever Sayings For Save The Date Cards
Price Welcome
Feed of hives is considered a significant item in the cost structure of beekeeping.
In recent days the price of the package of sugar increased by almost 100%, which can seriously affect productivity and survival apiary of hives.
What is your analysis of this situation? What are the possible solutions if it be maintained?
Feed of hives is considered a significant item in the cost structure of beekeeping.
In recent days the price of the package of sugar increased by almost 100%, which can seriously affect productivity and survival apiary of hives.
What is your analysis of this situation? What are the possible solutions if it be maintained?
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Using Usb To Watch Movie On Sony Tv
Blog Welcome to the Productive Chain of the Bees and Beekeeping.
As part of its strategy to consolidate the network and discuss topics related to beekeeping and beekeeping, opens this space for all producers, traders, processors, input suppliers and services, consumers, researchers, institutions, organizations and other actors involved in the chain, be informed and have a space to share their views on various topics and activities. It is hoped in this way support the creation of a culture of communication, to help improve integration and the achievement of the objectives that we pose to the development of the productive sector.
suggest downloading the first chain's overall communication on the link:
To comment on any topic, please click on it in the "Previous posts" in the right leg of the page and then "Post a comment in the post." This opens a window where you can write and publish your comments.
To access the files of the chain (at the moment are the minutes of meetings of the chain and the bill bee) can click on the "link" to download files "found on the bar right of the blog. This sends them to another page where they can enter the folder and open or download the files. Clicking on a file you wish to download, they will A new window on the bottom left you will find the button "Download", allowing them to open or save the file to your computer.
Any problems or difficulties in using this tool, like your comments, questions and suggestions can be sent to the e-Chain: @
Blog Welcome to the Productive Chain of the Bees and Beekeeping.
As part of its strategy to consolidate the network and discuss topics related to beekeeping and beekeeping, opens this space for all producers, traders, processors, input suppliers and services, consumers, researchers, institutions, organizations and other actors involved in the chain, be informed and have a space to share their views on various topics and activities. It is hoped in this way support the creation of a culture of communication, to help improve integration and the achievement of the objectives that we pose to the development of the productive sector.
suggest downloading the first chain's overall communication on the link:
To comment on any topic, please click on it in the "Previous posts" in the right leg of the page and then "Post a comment in the post." This opens a window where you can write and publish your comments.
To access the files of the chain (at the moment are the minutes of meetings of the chain and the bill bee) can click on the "link" to download files "found on the bar right of the blog. This sends them to another page where they can enter the folder and open or download the files. Clicking on a file you wish to download, they will A new window on the bottom left you will find the button "Download", allowing them to open or save the file to your computer.
Any problems or difficulties in using this tool, like your comments, questions and suggestions can be sent to the e-Chain: @
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